With more trainers providing services than ever before it can be a minefield when it comes to sourcing a top quality Trainer that's best suited to your needs as a client.
If you're currently looking for someone to get you on track to turbo charge your health and fitness results, ask yourself these questions:
1/ ARE THEY CERTIFIED (AND INSURED)? - The fitness industry isn't regulated all that well when it comes to this so be vigilant and do your research. You're potentially going to trust this person with large components of your health and if they aren't legitimately qualified to handle this responsibility you could be in for big problems.
2/ DO THEY SPECIALISE? - You wouldn't go to the GP to fix your teeth and it's the same principle with getting the best services for your fitness endeavours. You want to lose fat and gain muscle? You need a body composition expert. You want to build the muscle back up in the leg you broke playing football? You could do with seeing a sports performance and rehab specialist. You want to step on a bodybuilding stage? A prep coach with a track record of successful competitors is going to be your best bet.
3/ HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM OPERATE? - If you're considering starting with a trainer, if its possible to do so, watch them train other clients. Do they look interested? Do their clients look like they're 1. working hard and 2. enjoying what they're doing? OR... Does the trainer lazy appear bored? Easily distracted? On their phone? Generally just uninterested? Finding someone who is present and passionate about what they do should be right near the top of your wish list.
4/ DO THEY WALK THE WALK? - This is a controversial one. I'm not saying they should look like a Men's Health cover 365 days a year BUT they should look healthy, they shouldn't be turning up to Sunday morning sessions hungover. They should enjoy what they do and enjoy living a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
5/ DO THEY TRACK PROGRESS? - Physical results, performance tests, dietary analysis, session briefs, weekly check ins... There's tons of things your trainer should be monitoring. Without doing so you're flitting from one session to another, not really sure of the progress you're making. Having some solid data and numbers will help keep you accountable, motivated and keep track of what does or doesn't work for you in regards to working towards your goals.
6/ ARE THEY CHEAP? - We all love getting value, but when it comes to a personal health related service it's important you value yourself high enough to invest in yourself without necessarily shopping purely on price.
7/ ARE THEY A TEACHER OR DRILL SERGEANT? - A great trainer won't just tell you what to do, they will tell you how and why. Their goal is to give you the tools to at some point down the line walk away from them with the knowledge they need to carry on their progress without you needing to put money in their pocket. As a client you should feel your knowledge is always growing and not just your biceps.